Brook Traffic Light Tool Training

Sefton Safeguarding Children Partnership is committed to offer the children’s workforce the opportunity to access training to equip professionals to gain further confidence and knowledge in identifying and responding to Harmful Sexual Behaviours in children and young people.

Sefton SCP has purchased the License for Brook’s Traffic Light Tool, which will support professionals to identify, respond and offer the best possible response and intervention for children and young people where there are concerns regarding potential ‘Harmful Sexual Behaviours’.

Traffic Light Tool -

Brook’s nationally recognised 'Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool' training helps professionals to identify, understand and respond appropriately to both healthy and harmful sexual behaviours in young people.  

This is an exciting opportunity for Sefton Children’s Workforce and builds on the work we have collectively done in addressing one of Sefton SCP priorities ‘Contextual Safeguarding’

Please do not miss the opportunity to attend 1 of the following sessions :…………

There are currently no dates for this event.