Sefton Safeguarding Children Partnership


Sefton Multi-Agency Child Exploitation (CE) Screening Tool & Child Exploitation Pathway

The purpose of the tool is to enable professionals to identify indicators which suggest a child is experiencing, or is at risk of, exploitation, in a consistent way which facilitates sound judgement. The screening tool can be used for all children (male and female) at any point in the child’s journey and with young people up to 21yrs. It can be used by any practitioner working with and supporting children or young people where there is a concern a child may be exploited.

If you have concerns that a child is experiencing or at risk of exploitation, download and complete a copy of the Sefton CE Screening Tool. 

Please find guidance on when to complete a CE Screening Tool.

You can also view the Sefton Children Exploitation PATHWAY. Click the link to download a copy. 

Website by:Taylorfitch