Sefton's Neglect Strategy
Sefton has a strong commitment to
partnership working with children and young people and their families. We have a clear strategy led by the local authority and supported by partners regarding Early Help and Intervention. Neglect is an issue that requires a detailed strategic approach to assist partners to be clear on what neglect is.
The impact of neglect on children and young people is enormous. Neglect causes great distress to children, potential injury, developmental delay, increased risk of teenage pregnancy and increased risk of sexual, domestic or physical abuse, leading to poor health, educational and social outcomes and is potentially fatal. Lives are affected and their ability to attend and attain at school is reduced. Their emotional health and wellbeing is often compromised and this impacts on their success in adulthood and their ability to parent in the future. Neglect is unacceptable because of the lasting damage it can have and also because it is avoidable harm which is within our power to address.
Sefton's Neglect Strategy 2020-25
Sefton's Neglect Screening Tool
Sefton's Neglect Screening Tool is intended for use by frontline practitioners within ALL partner agencies to quickly identify areas of concern that may indicate a child or adolescent is being neglected. The tool is designed to be applicable to all age groups. The tool is not a full assessment of risk and should be used alongside the levels of need document and your own safeguarding procedures.
View and Download the Screening Tool Neglect Screening Tool
Child Neglect - Be Professionally Curious (Investigators/Practitioners Guidance Note)